Baby Clutter? How To Get Your Nursery Looking Clean and Organized
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Baby Clutter? How To Get Your Nursery Looking Clean and Organized

March 21, 2012 Having a baby calls for many resources, which can seemingly pile up in all corners of your nursery. Many new and expecting parents acquire an enormous amount of clothing, baby bedding, toys, baby blankets, bath, baby care and grooming items. Don’t let your closet turn into a hoarding frenzy. There are several…

Six Ways to Increase Your Online Influence by Interacting Offline

Six Ways to Increase Your Online Influence by Interacting Offline

February 7, 2012 Some people write an awesome blog, but then wonder why no one is reading it. Well, how do readers know it exists? Why should they read it? Sure, you can promote you blog online, but getting out and meeting your blogging peers will make them remember you. And depending on your niche,…

Modern With Manners

Modern With Manners

February 17, 2012 A Modern Woman is one who advocates or practices a departure from traditional styles or values.  You can count me among those women, with one caveat.  However much I want to keep up with the times, I still don’t want to sacrifice the traditional values and good manners I hold dear.  I…

The Rise of Dead People In Children’s Fiction

The Rise of Dead People In Children’s Fiction

February 20, 2012 Whether it’s vampires (the undead), zombies (the really dead), or ghosts (the haunting dead), the fascination with paranormal books and dead people overall in children’s fiction has boomed over the last few years. And it doesn’t matter the age. You can find dead characters in middle grade/tween books like The Graveyard by Neil…

How to Get Your Kids to fall in Love with Reading

How to Get Your Kids to fall in Love with Reading

March 1, 2012 As a parent, you are aware how crucial reading is to your child’s future. It helps them develop speech and language skills, build vocabulary, stimulates their creativity, and sets them up for later academic success. With all this riding on you, what can you do to foster a life-long love of reading…

Spring Traditions Around the World
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Spring Traditions Around the World

March 19, 2012 Learning about various cultures is always fun and enlightening, not just for adults – but kids as well. This spring, people around the world will participate in activities and fun. From the ancient to the modern, these spring traditions and festivals may inspire something new you’ll want to try with your family….

Photographic Memory Techniques for Better Learning
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Photographic Memory Techniques for Better Learning

March 7, 2012 What if you could make homework and learning easier for your child? Memory is one of the key skills involved in learning, studying, and doing well in school. Once your child can better retain information, it’s easier to learn harder concepts and complete homework on time. But how to teach your child…

What Moms are Doing Right
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What Moms are Doing Right

February 20, 2012 Parenting Country by Country? How about Just Doing What’s Right for Children? With Pamela Druckerman’s new book Bringing Up Bébé extolling Gallic parenting, parents can now choose between parenting the French way or the so-called Chinese way presented last year by Amy Chua’s sensational Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother. Druckerman wants…

What You Can Learn From Homeschooling
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What You Can Learn From Homeschooling

April 17, 2012 Studies show that homeschooling can be more effective in developing a child’s intelligence, compared with traditional schooling, says the HSLDA (Home School Legal Defense Association). Children who are homeschooled are found to outperform their peers on standardized tests, and their ACT and SAT scores are higher than those of public school students. It would…

SocialMom of the Month: Meet Lisa Workman!
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SocialMom of the Month: Meet Lisa Workman!

March 5, 2012 SocialMoms, meet happiness and beautiful simplicity, personified. Lisa Workman, 36, a married mother of three living in the Blue Ridge Mountains near Roanoke, Virginia, leads what sounds to me like the idyllic rural lifestyle. She and her husband made an “intentional decision” to move to the area from Houston 13 years ago,…

The Top 7 Tips To A Great Email Welcome Message … Through Pop Songs!
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The Top 7 Tips To A Great Email Welcome Message … Through Pop Songs!

March 14, 2012 As a mom, you understand the necessity to make guests welcome, so that sense of comfort and greeting should also be applied to your email marketing campaign. Once a subscriber has signed up for your site’s newsletter, the content of the welcome letter is key. It can either tell your customer they…

Watch Out Behind You: Preventing Identify Theft
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Watch Out Behind You: Preventing Identify Theft

March 20, 2012 The Federal Trade Commission says millions of Americans have their personal identities stolen each year and that as many as 9 million are victimized in the U.S. alone annually. Though there is still no 100 percent fail-safe solution to this growing problem, there are a lot of easy things you can do…

Three Important Steps to Take if You Become a Victim of Cyber Identity Theft
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Three Important Steps to Take if You Become a Victim of Cyber Identity Theft

March 26, 2012 It may seem ironic in modern times, with all the advances in technology, but identity theft continues to be a real problem. Sure, there are simple and essential precautions you can take to prevent cyber identity theft, but the sad reality is that this type of crime continues to spiral out of…

PinaTwitBook? Where To Spend Your Social Media Efforts
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PinaTwitBook? Where To Spend Your Social Media Efforts

March 23, 2012 The best thing about the Internet, despite the fact that one person can Google anything in the world and become an instant expert, is that you can connect with anyone you want through social media. Social media is “web based technology and applications that turn communication into interactive dialogue” – the perfect…

Avoiding the ER During Spring Sports Season
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Avoiding the ER During Spring Sports Season

April 6, 2012 Spring sports season is upon us, and that means soccer, basketball, and an array of other sports activities. It also means bumps, bruises, and bandages. It’s okay to let your child play their favorite sport, but proceed with caution. Yes, your child will probably get hurt, but you can help minimize their…

More Than the Piggy Bank: Teaching Your Children About Finances

More Than the Piggy Bank: Teaching Your Children About Finances

March 26, 2012 All too often today, children are clueless when it comes to finances and budgeting – but I want my children prepared. My husband and I have set down guidelines to help teach lessons about money and spending. We also use everyday situations as real life examples. For instance, when we go shopping we…

Is Social Media Fueling Girl Power, or Diminishing it?
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Is Social Media Fueling Girl Power, or Diminishing it?

April 3, 2012 Social media has changed how we communicate, learn, and share our lives with each other. From one vantage point, the emergence of social media has been a positive tool in our society. Unfortunately, there is a darker side to this medium. Anything good in the wrong hands can bring negativity, and in…

Fully Automated: Top Tools For Automating Social Media

Fully Automated: Top Tools For Automating Social Media

March 29, 2012 Whether you’re blogging for fun, as a part-time side income, or as a full-time business – participating in social media can boost your efforts by helping more of your ideal readers find you. Unfortunately, many bloggers fear that using social media for marketing will consume too much of their time. Though there…

Facebook Rolls Out Interest Lists
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Facebook Rolls Out Interest Lists

March 16, 2012 Last week, Facebook revealed one of its newer features called “Interest Lists”. Very similar to Twitter Lists, which have been around for almost three years now, Facebook’s Interest Lists will allow users to customize what information gets included in their news feed. According to TechCrunch, Facebook will be rolling out this feature…

Social Moms
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Redshirting: Holding Your Child Back on Purpose

April 23, 2012 It used to be that parents enrolled their child in kindergarten based on the cut-off date. But now they are faced with a big decision … start kindergarten at 5 or wait an extra year and enroll them at 6. This concept of holding a child back on purpose is called redshirting (the term comes…

Social Moms
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Summer Fun Ideas for Families That Won’t Break the Bank

May 23, 2012 Make some amazing memories this summer by exploring new places and spending quality learning and sharing time with your family. And guess what? You don’t have to break the bank to do it. Here are great summer fun ideas for your family, that won’t cost a fortune: Library There are many great,…

Social Moms

Girl Walks Into a Bar: Rachel Dratch’s New Memoir (and a chance to win $100)

March 28, 2012 Rachel Dratch was a Saturday Night Live regular between 1999 & 2006 – best known for her hilarious roles as Debbie Downer, Abe Scheinwald, and many other characters. Wondering what happened to her? Check out her new memoir, GIRL WALKS INTO A BAR. The book follows Rachel as her life changed after…

Social Moms

Spice Up Your Parties and Win a $3,500 Fiesta Grande or a $100 Gift Card via Farm Rich Snacks #FarmRichSnacks

March 29, 2012 Parties, BBQs, and reunions are the perfect time to gather friends and family and enjoy some tasty snacks. Whether your celebration is in honor of a birthday, sporting event, holiday or theme party you want to host a memorable event for your guests. How do you spice up your parties and create…

Social Moms

Facebook as a Teaching Tool: Beyond the Obvious

May 1, 2012 If you have children old enough to be on Facebook, then you’ve probably had plenty of opportunity to use the platform to create “teaching moments” for your kids. There are the obvious lessons – “don’t post pics of yourself you don’t want your Grandma to see” and “don’t use foul language.” Other…

Social Moms

Blog of the Week: Dear Button

April 1, 2012 Congratulations to Dear Button: the SocialMoms Blog of the Week! Dear Button is a place where K and her husband document the trials and tribulations of parenting their new baby (Button). K shares their adventures–in becoming parents, navigating the city, trying to maintain an urban lifestyle, being a freelance designer, crafting, starting a retail…