
The One Resolution Moms Should Make For 2015

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December 19, 2014

Being a mom and doing the daily “mom stuff” is just about the most time-consuming task ever. We spend 7 days a week doing everything for the family; carpooling, cooking, shopping, cleaning, changing diapers, helping with homework, going to sports games, working, and the list could go on and on. So what’s the one resolution moms need to make this year?

To make more time for us!

We all but forget about our passions, forget about pampering ourselves and forget what it’s like to get lost in a hobby we love with no distractions.

Here are eight ways for moms to find ME TIME in 2015.

  1. Take a class. Many schools offer adult education, or you can call a local college and ask about auditing a class. Consider a craft or painting class at a local store. My town has a store that offers women’s classes where they make wreaths, scarves or paint. It’s a great way to connect with other women, have fun and maybe escape the “mommy thing” for a little while.
  2. Connect with an old hobby. Was there something you stopped doing once you became a mom? Maybe it’s time to re-visit that. It could be a passion you put on hold or something you think about often.
  3. Join a local book club with other moms. It’s a great opportunity to read AND to get out and socialize.
  4. Take up a new exercise. Try yoga, tai chi, Pilates, running, spinning. Whatever it is can be done at home with DVD’s or at a local gym alone or with friends. Great for the body and the spirit (not to mention sanity).
  5. Join a direct sales company. Having your own home business in direct sales can get you some extra income as well as a sense of belonging to a team of like-minded women. Often there are local meetings and there’s always the online friends you’ll make. It also gives you the chance to get out of the house, market your business locally, and meet new people too.
  6. Treat yourself once a month to a day of pampering, whether alone or with a friend. Indulge in a manicure, pedicure, massage or a free makeover at the mall.
  7. Learn to delegate. I used to do everything myself but now find it so freeing when I ask someone else to do it. If you can’t find someone like a family member or close friend, pay someone. If you can’t pay, consider bartering.
  8. Enjoy your morning. This may sound incredibly simple but many mom friends I’ve chatted with love the time they have alone before everyone else wakes up (or at night after everyone is asleep).If you can adjust your schedule to wake up earlier or stay up later (whichever works for you), you just may find the extra 15 or 30 minutes peaceful enough to  start or end the day with less stress and a clearer mind.

Whatever your resolutions for the new year, be sure to remember that small changes can make big differences! I hope you find more “me time” in 2015 and discover some passions or quiet time that all of us moms need.

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