4 DIY Projects Using Picture Frames
June 2, 2017
Do you have extra picture frames that you’re not using? If you’re one of the rare people who do not, you can always find frames at garage sales or swap meets, or buy a few at the dollar store. When you see a frame, grab it. There are so many picture frame craft ideas that you’ll find a good use for it. The frames can be painted to match your décor, and they make creative gifts, too. Here are four projects you can complete using old frames.
Magnet Board
Do you like to hang coupons, photos, and business cards on your refrigerator? To clear your cluttered- looking fridge (or if you’re upgrading to stainless steel appliances), you can create your own magnet board. Attach a piece of magnetic metal to the back of a large frame. Then use magnetic clips to hang items you used to keep on your refrigerator.
Photo Collage
This is a great way for your teen to display photos, postcards, and inspirational quotes. Paint the frame a bright color. Put paper on the back of the frame (card stock, wrapping paper, and newspaper all work well).
String fishing wire or string across the frame in rows. Or, for an even better hanging surface, nail chicken wire to the back of the frame. Use small clothespins to hang photos, quotes, and other momentos. String fairy lights around the frame will add a festive look.
Serving Tray
Paint a large wooden frame in a bright color. Add cabinet handles to the top and bottom of the frame. Paint the insert board or glass with chalk paint. Write a little message when serving guests, or treating a loved one to breakfast in bed. This pretty tray that was decorated using stencils.
Layered Frame Wall Art Décor
This fun project will take up empty wall space and display photos, or just empty frames, in a unique way. (Check out some examples on Pinterest):
- Gather together a bunch of old, inexpensive frames of varying sizes and shapes.
- Measure the area on the wall. Lay out the same area using butcher paper or wrapping paper.
- Lay the frames on the butcher paper and decide the pattern. Layer them so they overlap, tracing around all the frames. Number both the frame and the outline so you will be able to tell which frame goes where.
- Tape the butcher paper on the wall in the exact space you want it to be. Take the frames that are on the bottom (closest to the wall) and hammer two nails per frame into the wall. Be sure that the nails are level.
- Now comes the hard part (sounds harder than it really is)! Decide where the top layer of frames overlaps the bottom layer. Mark the spot on both the top and bottom frame. Try to attach the top frame in two spots even if it means on two separate bottom frames.
- Take a drill and make a small hole in the back of what will be the top frame. Use small nails (like wire nails) and snip off the head. Push that end into the hole you just made so the sharp end is sticking out.
- Lay your bottom layer frame(s) on a flat table backside down. Place the top frame where it goes and push down so that the sharp nail makes a small hole in the bottom frame.
- Use your drill and drill thru the bottom frame. Hammer a finishing nail thru the bottom frame from the back side to the front. This will leave a nail head sticking out the front.
- Now push the top frame onto the nail that is sticking out. Make sure to not go all the way through the top frame. If the nail is too long, snip it off.
- Take down the butcher paper and attach your mounted piece to the wall.
Do you have picture frame craft ideas?