Tame Your Tresses in Minutes
September 7, 2011
With the kids going back to school, mornings are even more hectic. It’s not just you that needs to get out the door on time, your kids have to be ready to go too. One of the biggest stumbling blocks for getting ready in a flash is hairstyling. Here are some shortcuts that can drastically reduce your styling time to streamline the process and free up some precious minutes during the a.m. rush.
Here’s a few ways to help you spend less time on your tresses:
Sock it to ’em
If you haven’t already heard about the infamous sock bun, you need to Google it – stat! At first, you may be skeptical that this will work, but I promise you it is a dream for those with shoulder-length hair or longer. The steps are simple and easy to follow. Create a donut from an old sock by simply cutting off the toe and folding over on itself. Pull hair into a ponytail. Take the sock donut and feed your ponytail through it. Fold hair over the sock and keep turning the sock towards your scalp until all hair is through and you have a nice, neat bun. This video on YouTube shows you how step-by-step.
A simple way to add wave to any hair type is to shampoo in the evening and let it air dry until it’s slightly damp. Next, braid your locks into a French braid (or two if you prefer) and secure with an elastic. Leave in overnight and take out the braid in the morning. Run your fingers through your hair to break up the waves slightly. To tame frizz, use a small amount of styling cream and work through hair. All done!
Dry up
If you’ve taken the time to blowout your hair and want to keep it looking fresh for more than one day, dry shampoo is your best friend. Dry shampoo absorbs excess oil allowing you to extend your blowout for several days. To use, simply spray hair with dry shampoo (concentrating at the roots). Allow two to three minutes for the shampoo to absorb any excess oil and then brush. To remove any excess residue, run a towel over your hair lightly. Style as usual. This will extend your blowout for at least one day – even two or three (barring any sweaty workouts of course).