
Insider’s Guide to Find More Fun Twitter Party Invites

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October 18, 2011

As new users continue signing on to Twitter and the total tweets per day escalates, more companies are beginning to see the value of Twitter parties to build brand awareness among their targeted audiences. In fact, judging from the growing number of tweets I’ve seen on lately, I’d say Twitter parties seem to be increasing in popularity.

If you haven’t had the chance to experience a Twitter party yet, it might be that you just don’t have the time and/or desire to attend any. More likely I’m betting — if you’re reading this and you are a newbie –you would like to find out how to get in on all the fun of the Twitter parties you’ve been hearing about. Even those of you who are seasoned party-goers are likely to be curious to learn about some new ways to find these events that you may not have considered before.

What is a Twitter Party?

According to Twitter Party Guide a Twitter party is a fast fun virtual party usually running for an hour or two, running on the Twitter platform. These are planned for a set day and time, mostly for single one-time events but there are also some regular weekly and monthly parties too. Virtually every party or chat has a unique searchable hashtag # so the discussion can be easily followed by the party’s participants in real time using a tweet chat client such as TweetGrid, TweetDeck, TweetChat, Twubs or others.

How to Find Out About Twitter Parties

In addition to reading the feed of those you follow make sure you are subscribing to weekly e-letters such as SocialMoms Rambo and TweeParties both which provide details for upcoming Twitter parties. For Twitter party listings, also check into sites like Twitter Party Guide, Resourceful Mommy, and Kelly’s Lucky You for free calendars of upcoming Twitter parties.

Generally, these parties are open to anyone with a Twitter account as long as you use the predetermined hashtag and you follow any rules established for participation. Some brands and party hosts insist on an advance RSVP if they are giving away prizes, but many don’t require this. In addition, party participants are sometimes asked to follow certain Twitter accounts, or do something else to be included in all the action.

If you’ve partied before, what was the most fun or unusual Twitter party you ever attended? If you are new to the Twitter party scene what kinds of parties would you most be interested in? Please leave a comment and share.

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