
Four Products That Help Support Breast Cancer Awareness Month

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October 18, 2011

October is National Breast Cancer Awareness month and its purpose is to bring awareness to the disease, as well as raise money for research. With the money raised, research can go into finding out the cause, prevention, treatment and eventually a cure.

If you know someone affected by Breast Cancer, or maybe you yourself have been, you know the importance of October and what it can mean. And with the latest statistic showing 1 out of 8 women in the United States will develop invasive breast cancer over the course of her lifetime, it tells you this is serious and that something has to be done.

How can you help? Throughout the month of October, hundreds of companies donate a portion of their sales to breast cancer research. Anywhere from 5% to 100% of their proceeds are donated and every bit of it can make a difference.

I’ve rounded up 4 products that donate a portion of their proceeds. From beauty to technology, as well as fashion – there is a little something for everyone.

Products Helping to Support Breast Cancer Awareness Month

Ink It Pink

Show your support when you Ink It Pink by Sharpie. During October, Sharpie is donating 10 cents from the sale of every Pink Ribbon Sharpie to City of Hope for Breast Cancer research, treatment and education.

You can purchase a two-pack of Pink Ribbon Sharpies for a little over $2 at most office supply stores.

Pink Cases for Your Tech Gadgets by Incipio

Class up your iPad, iPhone, iPod Touch and other gadgets with a pink case and help a great cause at the same time. Incipio will donate 20% of the sale of their pink products all October to Breast Cancer Awareness.

You can see all of their pink products available for purchase here.

Infinity Extend with Shimmer in Pink for Breast Cancer Awareness

Infinity Sun is a super-hydrating lotion containing antioxidants, botanicals, DHA and mica particulates and a vanilla sugary scent. This product is designed to keep the skin soft and silky-looking and will extend your tan for an additional 2-3 days. For a limited time Infinity Extend with Shimmer will have an added touch of shimmering pink radiance and 20% of proceeds will go to support Breast Cancer Awareness.

This product is available in individual 200 ml bottles for $35 at Dermstore.com.

OKA b Shoes That Love You

OKA b shoe company has two really great promotions in support of Breast Cancer Awareness Month.

They’ve teamed up with the American Cancer Society to bring us this exclusive shoe which supports the cause. ACS Madison’s combine reflexology and comfort that is antimicrobial and made in the USA. They will donate $10 for every pair sold.

In addition to their exclusive shoe, for every pair of OKA b. shoes sold, an additional pair is donated to a breast cancer survivor.

This is just a small taste of the products which help support National Breast Cancer Awareness Month. For more information about the disease and how you can help, please visit their website at NBCAM.org. Or feel free to share your favorite products below.

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