Meditation Apps for People Who Can’t Meditate
August 14, 2018
Everyone touts the benefits of meditation, but it’s not easy for many people to sit still and be mindful for five, ten, or twenty minutes. You may be unable to find time, or the kids keep you running ragged until you fall into bed every night utterly exhausted and mindlessly scrolling Facebook. Or perhaps you’ve tried to sit and meditate but your mind chatter, and body restlessness, made it impossible?
“I just can’t meditate!” you say.
Well, have you considered mediation apps?
Sometimes call mindfulness apps, these are great tools that we (literally) have in our hands all day long. There are various strategies available from mindful meditations, to instant anxiety release, to a series that helps you improve an area of your life over a week or more. There are body scans, meditations with a lot of spoken guidance, and ones with very little guidance but just light music or chimes.
The key is to do them. They really are helpful and once you start, you may not stop. They teach you how to clear and relax your mind as well as your body. They help you take that much needed quiet time we all need daily.
The best part? You can do take the meditation sequences with you anywhere! If you have 10 or 15 minutes in the morning, pre-work or before the kids wake up, it’s an excellent way to set intentions and start your day calm and grounded. You can listen to one each day on a lunch break as you sit in the park. Or you can listen each night in bed as a perfect way to wind down your day and drift off to sleep more relaxed.
Too many people spend their free time checking their social media accounts or playing games on their phone. Take that time instead to clear your cluttered mind. Tune into the the quiet, into your breathing and listen into a meditation. You’ll see a big change in your attitude and your life!
Another big perk is that meditation apps remind us to breathe deep and learn how breathing calms our body.
There are many apps to download and try. Consider Headspace, Buddhify, Omvana, Breethe, Stop Breathe and Think, and my personal favorite, Calm. I suggest trying a few to see the one you like best. Most offer free trials or free meditations, and then you can buy the full app of your choice.
I’ve wracked up over 206 sessions and over 1955 mindful minutes (yes it keeps track!) and I am happy to say I feel better. Turning to these apps daily, even for ten minutes can and will make a great change in your life. Share your favorite app below!