Green New Year’s Resolutions
January 5, 2012
With the start of a New Year, many of you are probably considering buckling down on some New Year’s resolutions. Many of you may even be considering going green for the New Year. So where do you begin?
Keep it Simple
The worst thing you can do for a New Year’s resolution is make it too difficult. This goes for any resolution from weight loss, health, to greening up. You want to be sure that your goal is attainable. Small steps can equal big changes. If you make your goals to lofty you will be more incline to give up too soon. Therefore, making small changes can be key.
Recycling can be an easy one to start with, especially if you have recycling service that picks up curb-side in your city. If you can’t commit to a full-scale recycling regime, start small. Pick one type of recycling you want to begin with, such as plastic. Place one bin in the house for all plastics to go. Once you have mastered plastics then consider adding a second bin for paper or glass. Continue adding each bin until you are a recycling master.
Local Food
Support your local community and get some great food by committing to going to your local farmers market or co-op. If your community has a food co-op you can sign-up for weekly food baskets with tons of great locally grown produce or meat. If you don’t have a co-op or would prefer a different route commit to going to your farmer’s market at least once a month.
Skip the Bottled Water
A simple, cost-effective, and green resolution is to cut out all bottled water purchases. Instead, purchase a high quality reusable water bottle and a nice water filter. You will save tons of money and won’t waste all the needless plastic.
If you commute a long distance to work each day consider joining a car pool once a week. This can save you some hard earned gas money and you may even make a few new friends in the process. There are lots of online services to help you find a carpool. Check out Carpool Connect to see if there is someone in your area looking to carpool.
There are so many ways to go green the possibilities for a green New Year’s resolution are really endless. Here is a list of a few more green resolution ideas.
- Choose green cleaning products
- Make your own cleaning products
- Reduce your waste
- Eat only in-season fruits and veggies
What ways do you plan on greening up for 2012?