Cuties & Mighties: The Perfect Sweet Treat #SweetAsCandy
February 8, 2016
My kids love sweet treats. I think they get it from their mom! I love sweets and always find myself gravitating toward desserts over appetizers. But we all know sugar isn’t healthy and fresh food is best for our children. I’m so thankful that my kids love fruit. Cuties are the perfect options for a quick snack or a lunchbox treat! They are nutritious, seedless and easy-to-peel. My eight year old loves to eat them and share.
Our SocialMoms have been busy putting their Cuties to good use and we want to share their creativity.
Valentine’s Day Goodies
Looking for a healthier alternative to traditional Valentine’s Day candy? We’ve got some adorable ways to package and give away Cuties as a treat this holiday.
Mickey with A Helicopter Mom is sharing free printable tags for Cuties this Valentine’s Day!
Instead of adding to the sugar rush or worrying about allergies, I love to find fun other ways for the kids to exchange valentines. These fun Valentine’s Day printables are awesome – they’re easy to print out and go perfectly with one children’s favorite snacks – Cuties!
Jeana with Surf & Sunshine also has a way to wrap Cuties as an adorable Valentine’s Day treat.
We created these hassle free Cutie Valentine’s Day Treats. I just picked up some Wilton Valentine’s Day Treat Bags, that came up complete with card board base and ribbon to tie them. Then I whipped up custom “You’re a CUTIE Valentine!” tags (available for download here). The back sides are blank so Maddilyn could write a personalized message and sign her name. Then it was just a matter of assembling the treats with her, easy peasy!
Vera over at Lady and the Blog put together an adorable Valentine’s Day treat bag.
This year, my kids and I thought that we would try a more healthier alternative to the typical candy and chocolate route. After all, do we really need ANOTHER over-sized chocolate heart (that mom usually trashes anyway because she doesn’t want anyone in her house eating them)? Cuties & Mighties is helping families encourage kids to swap sweets for fresh fruit this Valentine’s Day and I couldn’t be happier about it!
Delicious Recipes
Cuties are a great source of vitamins and they are tasty too! Whip up one of these recipes as a meal or mid-day snack for your family.
Crissy over at Dear Crissy shares a delish Cuties smoothie recipe.
Who needs candy when you have Cuties? I find myself picking up a box every time we’re in the grocery store this time of year. They are easy for the kids to peel, which makes them a great choice for the lunch box.
I really only discovered recently how wonderful citrus tastes in a smoothie! In addition to Cuties, this smoothie also features frozen banana, frozen strawberries and plain Greek yogurt.
Nicki at Little Island Studios has a delicious smoothie recipe that uses Cuties, ginger, mango, carrots, and beets!
Tiny Cuties mandarins are my kiddo’s favorite and go-to quick food snack – they are as sweet as candy! Usually for a morning or mid-morning snack we make a smoothie and lately we have been making orange smoothies with Cuties mandarins.
Sara with Mom Endeavors made this adorable heart-shaped fruit platter with orange whipped cream.
Isn’t that fruit tray beautiful?! It would be perfect for a Valentine’s Day breakfast, snack, or even dessert! With such a fun presentation, it’s very easy to swap traditional sugary sweet treats for fresh fruit on Valentine’s Day! And, I personally love that this spread goes beyond the rather typical strawberries for Valentine’s Day. The star of this platter is our absolute FAVORITE fruit this time of year – Cuties mandarins!
Cuties and Mighties want you to swap sweets for fruit this Valentine’s Day! If you visit, you can make the pledge by downloading their sweet anthem here. If they reach 10,000 song downloads, a city with top downloads will be taken over by Cuties, spreading sweetness and love. The takeover will be broadcasted live on Periscope so everyone can follow along as Cuties spreads the love.