
9 Practical Resolutions That are Good for the Mind, Body and Soul

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January 7, 2015

New Years Resolutions are often filled with superficial wants to be skinnier, look younger, make more money, etc.  Those are things that change your outward appearance, but won’t truly make you a happier person.  They fill a void and only address the end result of how you are feeling.  Instead focus on making some resolutions that really benefit your body and soul for decades, and don’t fizzle out in the coming months.  One could call these life choices, instead of the more short-term resolutions.

  • Take your healthy seriously: Use the New Year to make all those checkups you’ve put off. Visit the dentist. Our mouths often act as the canary in the mine and can tell us a lot about our general health. Schedule your annual pap smear and breast exam. While you are at it, visit the dermatologist and do a body scan of those moles you have often wondered about.
  • Get your finances in order: Hey it’s tax season, perfect time to take a look at your finances and set goals. Contribute more to savings or to a 401k? Go for it. You may even consider starting a college fund for your kids. Use coupons or money savings apps to help you save in one area to afford in another. Set up a budget to help you stick to your plan and track it on Mint.com.
  • Protect your family: While you are looking at finances, consider your will and trust, your life insurance. Make some smart moves this year to protect the ones you really love. Term life insurance can cost very little and make a world of difference to your family.
  • Get personal: Make it a point to reduce your FB, Instagram, Twitter and texting communications, and instead reach out in person to those you really care about. You’ll find it more fulfilling.
  • Check your credit: Make sure that it’s accurate and that there are no red flags. Settle unpaid debts and have them cleared from your report.
  • Organize your life: This one is ongoing, but if done correctly can save you time and money. Resolve to stay organized and clear the clutter. Start small and you’ll find as you get going, it gets easier to let things go.
  • Focus on internal health: Instead of focusing on outward appearances, focus instead of what it takes to get there. For example, instead of saying you will start a new diet, resolve to eat healthier foods. Instead of losing weight, how about making the goal to get outside more often. These new goals will add activities that make you healthy and happy.
  • Prioritize and make time for what really matters: These are the things in life that fill our bucket with joy and peace. When you really look at life, we are pulled in so many different directions, when in reality what truly matters is our health and the time with our loved ones. Neglecting either of those will be the biggest regret of your life.
  • Feed your soul: It may be a cup of coffee in the early morning, or a sunrise yoga session. It could be good book by the fire. Whatever it is, find something you love and do it for no one else but you.

Happy New Year!

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