5 Ways to Find Your Passion This Summer
June 23, 2016
These days, it seems like everyone is talking about “finding their passion,” but what does that really entail? Are we all expected to just abandon our responsibilities and embark on a soul-searching journey or can we find a way to keep up with our everyday lives while we tap into our innermost passions?
Each of us has to find our own way but it doesn’t have to be all-consuming. The good news is that summer, a season known to invoke a more carefree nature, is a great time to mull over where you’ve been and where you want to go. But where to start?
Reflect on Childhood Dreams
We all had them. Most of us can remember lying awake at night dreaming about what we would be when we were all grown up… and then reality set in and many of us abandoned those ideas. Spend some time thinking about those times and how, as an adult, you might be able to feed that part of your soul.
Pick the Right Posse
This topic can be surprisingly polarizing. You may find that some of your friends and family are happy to stick with routine, even if they are unhappy. You may also discover that some people are excited by your pursuit. Surround yourself with those who support your self-exploration or, better yet, have already done something similar in their lives. The results can be magical!
Abandon Concrete Thinking
When it comes to finding your passion, you will probably have to give up on concrete thinking. Schedules, deadlines, and expected outcomes may take a backseat but you can still have goals – you just may need to be more flexible about what happens, when it happens and how you get there. Get ready for an adventure!
Start a “Vision Board”
Sometimes, it helps to have a visual representation of what you want to achieve. It can be a bulletin board on a wall, a journal, or whatever makes sense to you. It could even be a Pinterest board! Clip words and images from magazines and websites that inspire you and, when you need a little boost, look at your board and let it fuel your fire!
Simplify Your Life
If you are planning to make some big changes and take some risks, it may help if you’ve already simplified your life. What costs and expenses can you eliminate from your budget? Gym membership? Cable bill? Music subscriptions? You can also declutter your home. Sell, donate or discard anything you don’t need and you may even discover that you can downsize to a smaller home.
It might sound a bit cheesy but you can change your whole life by “finding your passion.” Whether it results in huge career or lifestyle changes is, ultimately, up to you but your happiness is worth the effort!