5 Ways to Cope with Spending the Holidays at Work
December 24, 2015
If there’s one thing that people want most during the holidays, it’s time off from work. Unfortunately, things don’t always work out and some are forced to put in some hours while the rest of the world enjoys quality time at home. Rather than sink into despair, here are some tips for finding some cheer in a less than favorable place.
Go Festive
Hopefully, you don’t have a boss or workplace that is completely averse to holiday decorations. As long as you’ve got the okay, deck the halls (and your deck) out with streamers, little battery-operated lights and a disco ball. You could even quietly stream a little holiday music (or wear earbuds!). It won’t be quite the same but it will help you feel less like you’re missing out.
Eat, Drink and be Merry
Bring on the goodies! Whether it’s those snack cakes that only come out this time of year, turkey leftovers or some sparkling cider, you can bring some delicious eats that remind you of the season. Extend the goodwill to your coworkers by bringing in some cookies to share!
Avoid Negativity
You may be in a bad mood over having to work but don’t take it out on the people around you. If you are jealous of coworkers who get to take time off, don’t make them feel bad about it. Be happy for them and wish them well, even if you are disappointed. Don’t ruin your relationship with them over your own frustrations. The same goes for the people who have to work during the holiday alongside you. Chances are, they wish they were at home too. Don’t make things worse by complaining.
Don’t be a Scrooge
Rather than succumbing to the bah humbugs, take a page from Santa’s book. Even if it’s just treating the office to coffee, do something nice for the people you work with, especially if you are all spending New Year’s Eve together. A little gift can go a long way when morale is low.
Keep Perspective
There’s a saying right now – “first world problems.” Yes, it’s disappointing and sad to be away from loved ones this time of year but there are genuinely worse things in the world. There are people who have next to nothing who would be grateful to have a job and a family at home. Remember those who are less fortunate and keep your perspective. You may even find yourself feeling grateful for all that you have!