Laugh Your Way Back to School With These 5 Videos
August 8, 2019
It’s that time of year again. Kids go back to school and (most) parents are celebrating the return of peace in the house and a routine for the day. Whether happy or sad, there is a lot that goes into making that momentous occasion happen. Here are five videos that will keep you smiling as you start off the school year!
Kids seem to love school supply shopping when they get all new stuff to fill their backpacks. Parents, on the other hands, can find it exhausting and expensive. This mom, however, makes a great point. Not only are these amazing teachers educating the future, but they’re also taking your child away for six whole hours a day! They can have whatever they want! “Need” an espresso machine? Done!
YouTubers fill the internet with “helpful” tips and DIY projects. While I sometimes appreciate the ideas, so often these videos follow a boring and ridiculous pattern filled with unrealistic shots and cheesy staged scenes. This video plays around with these stereotypical quirks and gives us all sorts of “useful” DIY school supply tips. My favorite line, “If that doesn’t work, don’t worry. An easy life hack is to just check your priorities because that doesn’t matter at all.”
In celebration of returning her kids to the hallowed halls of education, this mom has rewritten Cardi B’s I Like It into The Kids Have Gone Back. While this time of year means different things to different people, we can probably all agree that a bit of time to actually think your own thoughts and go to the bathroom without needing to answer questions about snacks is precious! She’s got it down. I only wish back to school meant a clean house where I live, too!!
The moment the kids slam those car doors closed, it starts. This dad has turned that moment into a religious experience. The sounds of bickering and arguments are replaced by music and thankfulness. There is truly something uniquely sweet about that first small bit of quiet once everyone is away at school!
You didn’t know you needed it but Jimmy Fallon and Jason Schwartzman, playing for their band “Tux,” bring back memories of your own school days with a back to school number straight out of the seventies. Their wigs are practically characters of their own. Not only are these two hilarious, they can really sing!
Whatever the new school year brings, I hope it brings you a
bit of peace and a laugh. We’ve got to take the good stuff where we can find