Game of Thrones and Avengers: Endgame—Strong Women Wow Fans on Big Weekend
April 30, 2019
Once a week, I put together a quick post on celebrity gossip or noteworthy news. This week, there’s no conversation bigger than the one about Game of Thrones and Avengers: Endgame. While I’m not going to go into super detail, this post may contain spoilers. It’s best to navigate away from this page if you’re trying to avoid having plot details ruined!
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Now that we’ve gotten that out of the way, let’s talk about Game of Thrones! The Battle of Winterfell has happened and it was everything we’ve always wanted. With a runtime of 1 hour and 22 minutes, the production team used every second to move this incredible story forward. It was absolutely epic, cinematic and reminiscent of Lord of the Rings which is an amazing feat for a television series!
This isn’t the first article to discuss this, but as Game of Thrones wraps up, can we take a moment to collectively appreciate the female characters? Remember how awful and weak Sansa was in that very first episode? Last night, she was down in the crypts wielding a weapon for the first time and it was awesome!
There’s the recently-knighted Brienne of Tarth who fought valiantly alongside Jamie “The Kingslayer” Lannister and then Lyanna Mormont, a fearless young leader who was willing to lay down her life for the greater good. Let’s not forget Daenarys Targaryen and her fire-breathing dragon babies, either!
Of course, the real focus has been on Arya Stark. She’d been just a little girl when Game of Thrones began but she’s had arguably the most intriguing transformation of any character. After asking Gendry to help her have her first (and maybe only!) sexual experience in last week’s episode, we saw an incredibly strong and resilient young woman emerge from the shadows to become the hero we always knew she was.
As we turn our focus to what’s going to happen in the remaining few episodes, we know that Cersei will be at the forefront, bringing yet another formidable female character into the spotlight. We can only imagine how jaw-dropping the finale is going to be!
Now, let’s talk about Avengers: Endgame! Again, without giving away any major plot points, we must acknowledge how the women of the Marvel Cinematic Universe came together in one of the most highly-anticipated films of all time.
From Captain Marvel and Black Widow to Nebula and Okoye, it was awe-inspiring to watch so many strong women in battle, taking on Thanos and anything else that stood in their way. It will be interesting to see how this impacts the Marvel movie lineups in the future!
Either way, women in Hollywood have already gotten this blockbuster season off to a strong start and we are here for it!