Can Classical Music Give You a Boost?
September 14, 2017
Have you ever heard of The Mozart Effect? Back in the ‘90s, Dr. Alfred A. Tomatis popularized the theory that listening to classical music benefits the brain—and who doesn’t need a little more brain power these days?
The research is preliminary and the issue needs further study, but if you like classical music, spending more time enjoying it can’t hurt. Here are some ways that playing a little Mozart (or other composers) could improve your life.
Brain Power
A 2001 study found that listening to just 10 minutes of Mozart’s Sonata boosted IQ scores by 10 points. Researchers believe that the music enhances cognitive understanding—or the brain’s spatial temporal reasoning—which is responsible for solving puzzles, among other functions.
Another study found that playing baroque music improved radiologists productivity, accuracy, and work satisfaction. That’s amazing!
Better Sleep
According to a 2006 study of students suffering from sleep disorders, those who listened to classical music before bed fell asleep faster.
If you can’t play music quietly in your bedroom, try headphones or listen to it right before you climb into bed.
Pain Relief
A study of cancer and surgical patients found that those who listened to music reported a decrease in pain levels.
Other studies have shown that patients in post-anesthesia units where classical music was played felt more comfortable and indicated some relief from pain and discomfort.
Improved Memory
According to research, a group of students scored significantly higher on a quiz after listening to a one-hour lecture while classical music played in the background, compared to a similar group of students who heard the same lecture without music. Researchers believe that the melodies activated parts of the brain associated with the storage and retrieval of information.
Need to chill out a little? A study published in the Journal of Behavioral Medicine showed that the heart rates and brain activity of participants exposed to classical music decreased, allowing them to feel more relaxed. Researchers also found that pregnant women felt less stressed after listening to piano-intensive melodies.
If you find these studies intriguing, why not conduct your own experiment? Play classical music in your home for a few weeks and see if you notice any differences. Please let us know what you discover!