Black Friday: What’d I Miss?
December 2, 2014
Maybe you were in the same boat as me last Thursday…
Our plates sit empty. Our eyelids droop. We nurse a cup of coffee in hopes of enough energy to put the turkey away. But still in the back of our minds, the fear that maybe we are missing out. Beyond the walls of our houses, shoppers frantically don their comfiest clothes, elbow their way through crowds, and gather stuff in carts. Maybe, just maybe are they on to something I should be doing too?
I mean, people make these crazy videos, like this one, showing everything they got on Black Friday…
…which causes me to worry, should I be there too?!
Then again, people also post these kinds of videos.
Ahhh, no. So not gonna’ do that!
Seriously, people. There’s a Black Friday DEATH counter!
Then, I read this awesome article, Why Black Friday Is a Behavioral Economist’s Nightmare, that breaks down the shopping mentality from psychological point of view and I feel justified, snuggled in my bed, in my pjs. It says, “But among the most potent reasons no sane person should participate in Black Friday is this: It is carefully designed to make you behave like an idiot.”
So, then I sit and happily enjoy the comedians’ point of view, like this “documentary” on the original Black Friday from Jimmy Kimmel.
And be very, very glad I’m not at the store trying to talk to these prankers pretending to work for Target!