Back To School: Gifts For The New Teacher
August 9, 2012
Back to school lists are everywhere. Stores are crowded with people rushing around to prepare kids for school. September approaches quickly. Whether your child is in first grade or fifth; a simple gift for their new teacher is a great idea.
Some schools have teacher appreciation days; other teachers never receive the recognition they deserve for their hard work. There are many small easy ways to appreciate and recognize the teacher in your child’s life. Teachers spend countless hours with the children and it is nice to recognize them for all of their hard work. The small little things you can do to make them feel appreciated will mean a lot to them as they start the year off.
Many kids come home with welcome baskets or welcome bags from their new teacher to welcome them into their classroom. Why not purchase a small gift for their teacher as well?
Here are a few suggestions:
1. Cookie Gift Baskets
Find a gift basket that is personalized for a teacher. Gift Baskets are useful for a teacher since once the food is gone, the basket may be used for storage or other items.
2. Personalized Mugs
A great idea for the teacher who loves their coffee in the morning. Most teachers like to keep a beverage in the classroom while teaching. Be thoughtful with a personalized mug with their own name on it to display on their desk. You can even fill it with goodies or a gift certificate when your child takes it in.
3. A Unique Wall Clock
One way to impress is to purchase a unique wall clock for the teacher to display on their wall for all to see and enjoy. Since everything is scheduled in school, a wall clock will be most beneficial. It will definitely be a gift the teacher can enjoy day in and day out. With many different wall clocks to choose from, find one that best suites the style of your teacher and their classroom.
4. Games for the Classroom
Many teachers like to include a game shelf in their classrooms for rainy days. For teachers of older students, a great trivia game is a wonderful idea.
5. The Essential Tote
Teachers are known for carrying tote bags. Why not choose a special one as a gift? You can even add a personal touch. Take note on the colors around the teachers room if your not certain of the style and color of tote to purchase. It’s always nice to go with a neutral color with a monogram. Find a tote that has pockets for all of the teacher’s accessories.
Overall whatever you choose be sure to include a nice thank you card signed by your child with your gift.