Stay Cool in the Summer Heat—Without Breaking the Bank
June 20, 2017
Are you wondering how to stay cool in the summer heat without cranking up the air conditioner up? I’m not a fan of super hot weather and thankfully, in Vermont, it seldom gets really hot. But the thermometer has been inching up this year, and it’s only June. Here are a few (affordable) ways for you and your family to stay cool.
Turn on the Hose
Whether you have a garden hose or a sprinkler system, it’s an excellent way to stay cool with the kids. Of course, if you’re lucky enough to have a pool, that’s even better. Or check out your local pool or YMCA. In some cities, municipalities will turn on the fire hydrants on hot days for the kids to run through. No matter how you do it, find a source of cold running water and spend some time getting wet. Just remember to put on sunscreen first.
Loose Light Fabrics
Dress in loose light-colored fabrics. Lighter-colored fabrics will keep you cooler than dark fabrics, so leave the black t-shirt and jeans at home. Consider a flowing maxi skirt or sundress instead of pants, and wear sandals instead of closed toe shoes. It’s possible to reduce your body temperature through your bare feet. Keeping your hair off the back of your neck will help keep you cool as well.
Cool Treats
Now is the time to treat yourself to a few cool treats. While a big bowl of ice cream or a banana split may sound delicious, as Italian ice or fruit sorbet has less calories. Even better, a big glass of your favorite fruit-infused water blend will cool you down without added fat and sugar. My homemade lemonade with stevia is one of my favorite recipes.
Spritz Your Skin
There are expensive bottled waters marketed to cool you off when it’s hot, but, all you need is a spray bottle and some water from the faucet. Fill a clean spray bottle with water and keep it in the refrigerator. When you’re hot, spray your body with cold water and let your skin air dry. Refill the bottle and return it to the refrigerator.
Get the Air Moving
If you don’t have an air conditioner, one of the best ways to cool it off inside is to allow the air to circulate. Open as many windows in your home as possible and keep the air moving with a few low-cost fans. Place a small, battery powered fan near your desk to cool you off on the hottest days.
Drink Plenty of Water
Keep a cool glass of water nearby at all times, and make sure your kids have a bottle of water when they head out to play or spend a day at camp. Drinking plenty of water allows allows you to sweat when temperatures rise, which will cools the body naturally.