Spend Time With Your Spouse on Little or No Money
November 15, 2011
Married life can be hectic … filled with kids, jobs, activities. Taking time out with your spouse has to be deliberate or it tends not to happen. Also, with today’s economy, sometimes it is hard to carve out any extra money to do so. If you are able to go out dinner and babysitter included … fabulous. If not, here are a few suggestions for spending quality time with your spouse for little or no money.
Go on a walk together
. Yes, it is a simple thing, but valuable in that it comes with no distractions…no cell phones, no TV, no Internet. Just you and your spouse.
Go to a planetarium.
Don’t laugh, it can be very fun and relaxing, looking at the stars together and you can always make fun of that “out of this world” guy talking on the intercom.
Go on a picnic together.
Put together an easy but romantic lunch; different kinds of cheese, a bottle of wine, and a loaf of fresh baked French bread. Your picnic can be quite romantic at the beach, local park or even in your backyard while the kids are napping.
Go to Italy for Dinner.
Okay maybe not Italy. But, you get that new cookbook you have been wanting to try out, Jamie Oliver’s new cookbook is absolutely amazing, (even if you’re new to cooking). Together choose a new recipe to perfect and head to the market to pick out fresh quality ingredients. Have the kids colour or put on a video. Then you and your spouse can cook together. A few minutes of slicing, dicing and peeling can lead to conversations about your day. And no worries if your recipe doesn’t come out as planned, the whole point is to spend time with each other in a non-hurried atmosphere, enjoy a glass of wine together, after all … you don’t have to drive home.
Get up early together.
Getting up before the kids do, reading your devotions and praying together in your faith brings amazing balance to your day. (No babysitter needed).
If at the end of the week, things have gotten in the way and you have not had time together; put a movie on for the kids and sit outside, or in your car (yes, I know it’s in the driveway) with a cup of coffee together, at least it will start the weekend off on the right note.
These are just some suggestions that can be “tweaked” according to the ages of your kids. Even thirty minutes alone a week can make a huge difference connecting with your spouse.