
Start Your Work Year With Renewed Commitment

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January 2, 2014

Day in and day out, we do our jobs – but many of us won’t do our very best. We get comfortable. We get resentful. We get bored. There are a million reasons why we put ourselves on autopilot but there are a million and one reasons why we should take a new approach. Here are some ways to improve your work attitude in 2014.

Get Organized

Is your workstation a mess?  Do you have sticky notes and scribbles that you need to keep but should probably put in order?  Are there papers and files piling up that are begging to be put away? If any of those things is true, make it a goal to tackle a small portion of these tasks every day until everything is where it should be. Invest in some good notebooks and pens so that your notes are all collected in one place, or move them online to a site like Evernote. Get rid of any clutter  and give all surfaces a good wipe down.

The organization should continue to your home life too.  Pick out your clothes and prepare your lunch the night before so that it’s ready to go in the morning.  Go to bed earlier so that getting up in the morning isn’t as painful.  Plan out a week’s worth of dinners so that you aren’t scrambling every night.  Play around with your routine and find something that works best for you.

Arrive Early

Arriving just on time (or late) is one of the worst ways to start your day, even if you have an exceptionally forgiving boss. This is how you make your living so it is important to feel committed.  Arriving early will feel amazing because, instead of starting your day frazzled and rushed, you will feel in control and will have time to plan out your work day. It may also impress management or clients.

Get Promoted

Have you grown tired of your current position? Do you feel like you’re ready for a bigger challenge?  If you are considering a promotion, talk to your supervisor and be ready for feedback on how you can improve your performance. Do not take this information personally but, instead, see it as a blueprint to your success. By addressing your weaker areas, you are showing that you have the drive and maturity needed to grow in a new role.

Explore Opportunities

If you find yourself hating the idea of going to work or if you’ve tried different ways to make things better but you’re still not happy, consider exploring other possibilities. Brush up your resume, secure some solid references and get your name out there. You never know what opportunity could be lurking right around the corner.

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